Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Many (Hot) Faces Of Johnny Depp [Adeppt Actor]

The Many (Hot) Faces Of Johnny Depp [Adeppt Actor]: "
The fact that Johnny Depp has played such a wide variety of characters is certainly impressive, but being doable in pretty much every role is an even bigger accomplishment. More »

Click here to read The Many (Hot) Faces Of Johnny Depp


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

So cute it makes me queasy,

Photobooth Engagement: "This photobooth engagement is so cute. She doesn't notice the ring box, then she gets confused, then is surprised. So cute! From Angela + Ithyle.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved

Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved: "

Computer studies of ocean floors around the world, particularly the area known as The Bermuda Triangle, reveal evidence of massive methane explosions in the past. For years, believers in the paranormal, aliens, and other outlandish theories pointed to the the disappearance of ships and aircraft as an indicator of mysterious forces at work in the “Devil’s triangle.” Scientists have finally pointed the rest of us to a more plausible cause.

The presence of methane hydrates indicates enormous eruptions of methane bubbles that would swamp a ship, and projected high into the air- take out flying airplanes, as well.

Any ships caught within the methane mega-bubble immediately lose all buoyancy and sink to the bottom of the ocean. If the bubbles are big enough and possess a high enough density they can also knock aircraft out of the sky with little or no warning. Aircraft falling victim to these methane bubbles will lose their engines-perhaps igniting the methane surrounding them-and immediately lose their lift as well, ending their flights by diving into the ocean and swiftly plummeting.

Link (image: NOAA’s National Ocean Service [Flickr])


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The neuroscience of break-ups: it's like craving cocaine!

The neuroscience of break-ups: it's like craving cocaine!: "A study published in the July issue of the Journal of Neurophysiology found that romantic break-ups activate parts of the brain that are associated with addiction cravings:

"This brain imaging study of individuals who were still 'in love' with their rejecter supplies further evidence that the passion of 'romantic love' is a goal-oriented motivation state rather than a specific emotion" the researchers concluded, noting that brain imaging showed some similarities between romantic rejection and cocaine craving. "The findings are consistent with the hypothesis that romantic love is a specific form of addiction."

The study also helps to explain "why feelings and behaviors related to romantic rejection are difficult to control" and why extreme behaviors associated with romantic rejection such as stalking, homicide, suicide, and clinical depression occur in cultures all over the world, the researchers wrote.

I think most of us have experienced this feeling at one point in our lives, but it's interesting to know it can be backed up by science.

Anguish of romantic rejection may be linked to stimulation of areas of brain related to motivation, reward, and addiction [Science Daily]

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Listen To House

Listen To House: "

culture jamming win

Submitted by: Jeremy Freehill via Submission Page


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dopamine system in highly creative people similar to that seen in schizophrenics, study finds

Dopamine system in highly creative people similar to that seen in schizophrenics, study finds: "New research shows a possible explanation for the link between mental health and creativity. By studying receptors in the brain, researchers in Sweden have managed to show that the dopamine system in healthy, highly creative people is similar in some respects to that seen in people with schizophrenia."

Monday, May 17, 2010

When he said ‘Jump!’

When he said ‘Jump!’: "

My obsession with Halsman continues:

With Ray Bolger (Scarecrow in Wizard of Oz)

Chim (Photographer David Seymour) and Halsman’s daughters

Groucho Marx

Presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson

Presidential candidate Thomas E. Dewey

RCA’s David Sarnoff (above) and his son, Robert, President of NBC (below)

Sophia Loren

Theologian Paul Tillich

Philosopher Fr. Martin Cyril d’Arcy

Filed under: Arts, Architecture, Fashion Tagged: Halsman


Thursday, May 13, 2010

"Mars Crew" of Six to Spend 520 Days in Shipping Container in Russia

"Mars Crew" of Six to Spend 520 Days in Shipping Container in Russia: "

It’s bad enough, it would seem from reality television, to spend a few weeks in the same house as only a few others, but imagine spending your time, with five others, for 520 days, in a shipping container with barely enough space to stretch your legs. This is the setup the European Space Agency has created to test the psychological and physiological effects of such isolation which would be required in a journey to Mars. Two crew members have already been chosen, and once four more are found, the ‘journey’ will begin.

There will be communication with the outside world via radio and email, but radio communications will be delayed a full 20 minutes as they would be on a real interplanetary mission and emails will take twice that time to get through. Both will be disrupted periodically, because what’s the point of locking six men in a container if you don’t mess with their heads a bit?

Link – via mentalfloss

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by nmiller.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Challenging the Inexplicability of the Transgendered

Challenging the Inexplicability of the Transgendered: "

Amanda brought our attention to a photo project that is designed to draw our attention to how the kinds of questions we ask transgendered people makes them feel like inexplicable Others. From a description of the project:

The subjects, self-identified people of transgender, transsexual, genderqueer, gender-variant, or gender non-conforming experience, hold signs depicting questions that each has had posed to them personally — some by strangers, others by loved ones, friends, or colleagues. Presented on white wooden boards, the questions are turned on the viewer, shifting the dynamics under which they were originally asked, and prompting the viewer to cast a reflective, self-critical eye upon him or herself, revealing how invasive this frame of reference can be.

In other words, these questions get asked not only because transgendered people break the rules, they get asked because the rest of us can be so inflexible, utterly confounded when other around us challenge our assumptions about the world.

The photographs:

(View original at http://contexts.org/socimages)
